Friday, August 31, 2012

The Cone of Shame

I thought this was pretty funny.  The first time I met Bella at the Woodford Humane Society, she was wearing a cone.  When I asked what was wrong with her, they said she had been spayed the day before and was chewing at her incision.

The day of her surgery had been April Fool's Day which I thought was ironic. 

She survived both her wounds and the cone. 

Here are few other pets enduring the Cone of Shame.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's been nearly a year since I last posted.  I let life get in the way; not necessarily a bad thing, since life is more or less what it's all about.

Still, I missed my blog.  It had become my place to muse, reflect and throw my thoughts out into cyberspace.  I missed harvesting special bits of trivia from favorite blogs or websites and sharing them with my readers. 

And so, my little Sky Blue Sparrow is back.  And I am glad.

My summer was idyllic.  I didn't travel, to speak of, but spent time with family, hanging out at the coffee shop and generally just being.

I also dedicated huge chunks of time at the yoga studio, completing a 60 day challenge which was a "should do someday" goal of mine.  Have I mentioned the temp in my studio is over 100 degrees?   Which, this summer, was not much hotter than outside temps.

What I think I look like doing yoga.

What I probably actually look like doing yoga.

Other goals for the summer included finally reading C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity which has been by my bed for a long time.  What I actually read was Fifty Sha....well, never mind.  It's not important.

I created a small oasis on my front porch.  A white rocking chair, a little table that I painted and decoupaged (and need to re-decoupage), a blue rug, and my candle.   I have spent many early mornings and evenings this summer in my spot with my Kindle Fire, reading and catching up on five seasons of Grey's Anatomy.


My candle is Sun and Sand from Yankee Candles.  It smells like the beach and whenever I light it, I feel like I am on vacation. I will miss my little porch spot when the weather turns.  As it will soon.  My candle is down to a tiny stump of a wick and I can barely light it.

Tomorrow is the last day of August.  I guess it's time to buy a spice-scented candle.  I'll get a little pumpkin, too for my table.  In a few weeks I'll bring a blanket out with me. 

I also spent some time writing and have added more fiction to this blog.  My piece, Meeting the Boys for Coffee won first place in the 2011 Carnegie Center's Short Stories Only! contest and Memories received honorable mention in the 2012 contest.

September is "Be Kind To Editors and Writers" month. If you have a writer in your life, keep this in mind for the weeks ahead.

I'm already pretty kind to myself.  My life is filled with loving family, positive people, adorable children and a church that loves the Lord and other people.  I buy the good coffee.  I pay extra for hand-made soap that smells like lemons.

I have a dog that thinks I hung the moon.  You really can't buy love like that!