Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Bird I Didn't See

Several years ago my husband and I vacationed in Key West, Florida. One of the first things I noticed were the wild roosters roaming the streets. These guys are apparently descended from fighting roosters. This terrible "sport" has long been outlawed, and now the roosters rule!

We also saw birds on wallpaper, courtesy of the James Audubon House.

But some of our favorite bird viewing took place at the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory. Here, we saw flamingos, and many bright and lively little winged creatures.

And, of course, we had to visit the Hemmingway House to see the famous five toed cats!


All these creatures are wonderful examples of God's handiwork. The bravest. The brightest. The most unusual. The creatures that people travel to and pay money to see. 

Were there sparrows in Key West? I'm sure there were. Did I notice them? No.

Although, I should have. This blog, Sky Blue Sparrow, is named in honor of these little guys. Because Jesus mentions them by name.

He tells us in Matthew 10, verse 29, that although two sparrows are sold for a cent, not one of them will fall to the ground apart from our Father. In Luke 12, verse 6, it's five sparrows for two cents. Bottom line is that sparrows were cheap.

If a person was too poor to purchase a lamb or goat for sacrifice to God, a sparrow was acceptable.

Tiny, dull grayish brown, plentiful and cheap, That's the sparrow. And yet. And yet...God sees every one. Not one falls to the gound that God does not see. 

Because God sees. God SEES! He always sees. Not just the rich. Not just the powerful. Not just the beautiful, the most holy, the eloquent speaker and the soaring eagle. God sees the tiny sparrow, pecking on the ground. 

And because God sees him, we can believe that He sees us. We matter. Just as we are.

I find comfort in this, and hope you do, too.

Blessings, Debbie