Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Boc, boc, boc, boc

When I was a child, back in the day, there was an evil custom of selling baby chickens to children as pets.  This was around Easter time.

And, if that wasn't bad enough, the little guys were dyed a rainbow of colors before being put into an incubator-type box and displayed in a dime-store or whatever, well within the reach of tiny hands.  Hopefully, this no longer occurs.

I had one of those chicks.  I carefully selected him from among his fellow fuzzy friends.  I took him home, made him a nice warm bed, and named him Chirp Chirp.  (As a child, I had great imagination).

Against all odds, Chirp Chirp not only survived, he thrived.  Over time his pink fuzz gave way to white feathers.  He graduated from the little box in the kitchen to the run of the garage.  Eventually he left us to live on the farm of some acquaintances.  I am sure he still lives there today, happily pecking away at the plentiful seed tossed his way.

I thought of Chirp Chirp today because today (May 14) is.....


This is true - you can look it up.  Since I believe it is totally impossible to do the chicken dance and NOT laugh, I think we should all celebrate by kicking up our heels. 

In honor of Dance Like A Chicken Day, here are few fun chicken facts...

There are more chickens living on earth than people.

Chickens can run at a speed of 9 mph.

In the chicken capital of the world, Gainesville, Georgia, it is illegal to eat chicken with a fork.

A hen can lay about 300 eggs each year.

So that the yoke does not stick to the egg shell, a mother hen turns it egg about 50 times each day.


have a laugh

and always remember to

Monday, May 12, 2014

What's with the crazy hats?

Practically anyone who knows me, knows by now that my family had two graduations this weekend.   On the same day.  In two different towns.  However, fortune smiled and due to the times of the ceremonies, we were able to attend both.
Mindy graduated from St. Catharine's College in Springfield, KY with a degree in Sonography.  Andy graduated from Eastern Kentucky University with a degree in Pyschology.  We are extremely proud of them both. 

 Countless blessings have come to pass during these last few years.
Friends made

Love found.
Making it to this point has, of course, been a series of celebrations.  And, as any parent knows, the time between these pictures.....

and this picture...
well, it flew.
In honor of these special events, I thought it would be fun to share some thoughts on graduation from a few sources....

Tom Brokaw

You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.
Sydney Harris

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.
Garry Trudeau

Commencement speeches were invented largely in the belief that outgoing college students should never be released into the world until they have been properly sedated.

Incidentally, The square academic cap is called a mortarboard because of its similarity in appearance to the hawk used by bricklayers to hold mortar.  (Or so Wikapedia says)
Blessings on all graduates tonight.