Today is Groundhog Day, and according to Punxsutawney Phil, spring is on the way.
I'm in favor of that. Like Bill Murray in the Groundhog movie, I find myself wanting to hurry through these winter days. Anyone who knows me well, is aware that I like warm weather and sunshine. Lot's of sunshine.
Unlike Phil Connor (Murray's character), of course, our days do move forward. We aren't stuck in the same deary, dark day over and over in spite of all attempts to end the cycle.
Having a bad attitude to begin with doesn't help. This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather.
On the other hand, there would be some advantages to that scenario, as Phil discovers. When he begins to use his accumulated knowledge to bless other people instead of twisting fate to his own advantage, he learns to be happy.
My favorite character from the movie is Ned Ryerson.
"Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing. Ned Ryerson, got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson, I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple of times until you told me not to anymore? Well?
In spite of an annoying personality and (we assume) a less than immensely profitable career selling insurance, Ned possesses an eternal optimism. Yes, he drives people crazy, but he has fun doing it.
And why not? Why not enjoy every day? If there were no winter, there would be no snow. What fun is a world without snowmen?
Or snow groundhogs built by favorite daughters? (Thanks, Mindy)
THIS is the day that the Lord has made. Sunshine or snow, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Meatloaf groundhog.
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