Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Light

 Once there was Someone who said such amazing things and did such wonderful things that people began to follow Him.  But they didn't know who He was.  So one day, they simply had to ask Him.  And He said, "I am the Light."*
Last night at Ash Wednesday service we had an opportunity to light prayer candles for people or things that we wanted to lift up.
Steve and I lit three candles (OK, we lit four, but that's because we are uncoordinated).  One for each of our children.  It is a time of new beginnings. 
Our son and daughter will both be graduating from their respective schools in May - on the same day, 100 miles apart, naturally.  My soon-to-be daughter-in-law will be returning to college in the fall, after the wedding.
We prayed for their futures.  For the right doors to open.  For good judgement.  For joyful days ahead. 
We prayed.  Now we wait.  Ugh.  I am the kind of person that needs to know things NOW.  Uncertainty is not my friend.  I want to know what jobs are waiting, what housing will become available, what classes will be offered. 
There are things to do, of course to help get ready.  Courses to sign up for.  Finals to study for.  Wedding clothes to buy.  Parties to plan for celebrating these occasions.
And, I suppose that is the essence of Lent.  We pray, we get ready for Easter by observing the disciplines of Lent.  And we wait.
But we don't wait alone. 
After the service last night, someone extinguished the lights.  The flame from the Christ candle was replaced by curling tendrils of smoke, and "the Light is changed so it's not just in one place anymore. It can be in many places at once."*
The essence of the Christ candle swirls into the air and becomes part of the world.  It will never be contained in one place again, but is in all places at all times.  Thanks be to God.



*Purple text is from Children Worship & Wonder program.

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