Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy birthday to my daughter

One of the fun things about having children is that now you have a chance for a mega do-over. You get to re-live your life through a whole new person. One that will not make your mistakes (Sun-in does not make your hair blond, people. It makes it orange.), or your unfortunate choices (I can walk on this ice. It's probably not even slippery). The slate is clean. The future is bright.

Well, this is partly true. The slate IS clean. The future IS bright. And it is full of exhilarating possibilities.

As I held my firstborn, I knew that she would make her own mistakes and her own poor choices. We all do. One doesn't learn to walk without falling. And falling again. And again.

Who would she be, this tiny person that was both Steve and me and all her own self? I thought of the years unfurling before us like bright ribbons.

Who could anticipate a blond tornado toddler that filled our home with purple dinosaurs and Fisher Price cooking utensils? Or a second grader who sang “Let There Be Peace On Earth” at the Martin Luther King breakfast before 300 people. Or the pre-teen who volunteered hours walking the dogs at PetsMart, dragging me and little brother along.

Who knew a karate class the summer of her 12th year would result in a passion that sustained her until young adulthood. Other mothers and daughters enjoyed weekend shopping trips. We traveled to other states to kick butt. My little girl became state Taekwondo Champ two years running.

Naturally we had our share of bumps. Perfect hearing only came after seven ear surgeries, the last of which knocked her out of her first and only ballet class. Some auditions weren't won. Many tournaments (especially the first years) were disappointing. And (don't tell PetsMart), but at least one dog broke free from us in the parking lot, leading us on a merry chase.

That's life. Those are the things that make a resilient, strong, intelligent young woman.

We have a picture on our piano of Mindy in a purple dress, damp hair in a long braid, sitting on the chancel steps at church following her baptism. It was Easter Sunday and there are lilies in the background. I love that picture.

I also love these pictures, taken so many years apart. So many memories and such joy in the years between.

Happy Birthday, Mindy!

What's next? I guess I'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. Debbie, just a beautiful tribute to Mindy; she is lucky to have you as a mom.
